The Ice Cream.

Elisabeth Hawar wrote her name in the front of her recipe book and dated her collection 1687. She also wrote two addresses in the Shoreditch and Spitalfields East London neighborhoods inside the front cover. These tantalizing biographical and geographical details link her manuscript, now held at UCLA’s William Andrews Clark Library (fMS.1975.003), to the thriving mercantile communities of London’s East End in the aftermath of the Restoration and the Great Fire.

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When I first saw this book in the reading room, I was equally excited about her recipe for “The Ice Cream.” In the five years that I’ve been testing recipes for this site, I’d never tried a receipt for ice cream even though I experiment with modern ice cream whenever the temperature rises above 85F each summer.

The Recipe

Clark, ice cream 1.jpgClark, ice cream 2.jpg

(37) The Ice Cream./
Take a quart of good Cream sweeten it with
sugar Rosewater or what you please you must have
little tin things which are made on purpose for Ice
cream, first put your Cream into the tin things, do the
cover close on then, & do it up close with butter
about the edge of the cover then take 4 ll [pounds] of ice
lay clean Cloth on the ground & with a hammer
break the Ice in pieces then have some Roach Allom
& bay salt strew this on the Ice beat the Allom small
Then have an earthen pot, put some of the Ice in the
bottom of the pot, then put in the tin things with the
Cream, & lay all the Ice about them that they may
stand fast in the pott, & cover them all over with Ice
then lay the Cloath over the pot which the Ice was
broken on, so set in a Cold celler let it stand one
hour then take it out of the tin panns, put it on silver
plates so serve it up./

The original recipe describes a detailed method for sealing the flavored cream in “tin things” that were especially made for ice cream, breaking the ice and using salt to alter its temperature, and chilling the cream in an “earthen pot” in the cellar. Since the recipe does not describe churning – which radically changes the crystallization of the frozen cream – the texture would have been rather different than the churned, updated version below. If you recreate the recipe using the original method, please let me know how it goes in the comments!

Tasting my updated recipe, below, you might notice that the ice cream has a slightly different texture than some of your favorites. Modern American ice cream falls into two main camps – custard-based (which includes eggs) or cream-based (which is egg-free). This recipe is cream-based and when I was reworking the proportions I used Melissa Clark’s recipe for egg-free ice cream as a guide. (I also may have texture on my mind because I’ve been editing a series on the topic for The Recipes Project with Amanda Herbert.)

Updated Recipe

2 cups heavy cream
1 cup milk
3 T rosewater
3/4 c sugar

Heat cream and milk in a sauce pan. Add sugar and stir until it dissolves. Add rose water.

Put mixture in the refrigerator to chill for approximately 30 minutes, or until the mixture is no longer warm to the touch.

Use ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s specifications. (For my KitchenAid ice cream maker, this involves freezing the bowl for 12+ hours before using and churning the ice cream on “stir” for 20 minutes.)

Put the mixture into a container to chill in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

Let sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before serving.


Subtly flavored with rosewater and sweetened with sugar, this ice cream is simple and refreshing. If you have an ice cream maker and some lead-time, it’s a perfect dessert for a summer gathering.

I was thrilled to share this recipe with participants in the Clark’s “Antique Ice Cream Social” event last month. During the test-tasting, a few participants who expressed a general dislike for rosewater found that this recipe passed muster. It didn’t taste “soapy” or overly perfumed. (You can watch a clip of me talking about ice-cream making here.)


18 thoughts on “The Ice Cream.

  1. Pingback: New top story on Hacker News: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – Latest news

  2. Pingback: New top story on Hacker News: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – News about world

  3. Pingback: New top story on Hacker News: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – Hckr News

  4. Pingback: New top story on Hacker News: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – protipsss

  5. Pingback: New top story on Hacker News: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – Outside The Know

  6. Pingback: New top story on Hacker News: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – Golden News

  7. Pingback: New top story on Hacker News: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – World Best News

  8. Pingback: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – INDIA NEWS

  9. Pingback: The Ice Cream: A Recipe from 1687 – Hacker News Robot

  10. Pingback: Lemmon Cream | Cooking in the Archives

  11. Pingback: Lemmon Cream - My Blog

  12. Looking forward to trying this as it is very similar to my own developed ice milk recipe with vanilla rather than rose water…i usually freeze in cubes or a ziplock bag and then break it up and whir it in the blender – it is marvelous…and a nice way to avoid preservatives and control the sugar…love this site!

  13. Pingback: Meringues – To Make Lemmon (or Chocolett) Puffs | Cooking in the Archives

  14. Pingback: How to make a London Possett | Cooking in the Archives

  15. Pingback: Your Kitchen is a Time Machine: An interview with Marissa Nicosia of Cooking in the Archives – ars longa

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